
mrC.pngWelcome to MisterCopyright.org, your source for the latest news and developments in the world of copyright and intellectual property law. While the focus of this blog will be investigating copyright law, expect some updates that explore issues in entertainment, telecommunications, trademark and patent law. My name is Kevin, and in addition to being an attorney, I’m an artist and registered copyright owner. I recently earned my masters degree in intellectual property law and hope to use this platform to talk about some of the important legal issues surrounding art and creativity in this ever-evolving digital age.

Images that appear in my blog are taken from the Creative Commons image websites Unsplash and Pixababy.


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Study on Expanded “User Rights” Fails Econometric Scrutiny

Earlier this month, scholars at the American University Washington College of Law’s Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (PIJIP) published a paper suggesting that governments around the world should consider weakening... Continue →